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Python textwrap:终端打印与写入文件的不同结果

[英]Python textwrap: different results for terminal print vs. write to file

I have been experimenting with the Python textwrap module, to wrap long lines of text.我一直在尝试使用 Python textwrap 模块来换行长文本。 I noticed that the print output to terminal looks fine, the word wrap works as expected.我注意到打印到终端的 output 看起来不错,自动换行按预期工作。 But when I write to file, slightly different output is seen.但是当我写入文件时,看到的 output 略有不同。 Is this a known feature of print vs. write, I wonder?我想知道这是打印与写入的已知功能吗?

import os, sys
import textwrap


with open(INFILE, 'r') as file:
  lines = file.readlines()
  for line in lines:
    print(textwrap.fill(line, width=42))
    # works as expected

with open(OUTFILE, 'w') as fp:
 for l in lines:
   fp.write(textwrap.fill(l, width=42))
   # not the same output is written to file


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I ended up using this code.我最终使用了这段代码。 It uses print() and sends the output to a file and works well.它使用 print() 并将 output 发送到文件并且运行良好。

       print("Wrapping lines..."+myfile) 
       for l in lines:
           print(textwrap.fill(l, width=80),file=fp)```

Yes, there is a difference between print() and write() .是的, print()write()是有区别的。 Several: Here they are:几个:他们在这里:

  • print()
    • is a built-in global function是内置的全局function
    • by default outputs to the stdout (but can be changed with the fp= arg).默认输出到stdout (但可以使用fp= arg 更改)。
    • by default adds a newline ( \n ) to each string (but can be changed with the end= arg).默认情况下向每个字符串添加一个换行符 ( \n )(但可以使用end= arg 进行更改)。
  • write()
    • is a method (bound function) of a file object是一个文件object的方法(绑定函数)
    • outputs only on that file object仅在该文件 object 上输出
    • does not add a newline;不添加换行符; you have to do that yourself by expressly adding the newline to the string, or inserting an extra fp.write("\n") after your write statement您必须通过明确将换行符添加到字符串或在 write 语句后插入额外的fp.write("\n")来自己完成此操作

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