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Pyspark Luigi 多工问题

[英]Pyspark Luigi multiple workers issue

I want to load multiple files in spark data frame in parallel using Luigi workflow and store them in dictionary.我想使用 Luigi 工作流并行加载 spark 数据框中的多个文件并将它们存储在字典中。 Once all the files are loaded,i want to be able to access these data-frame from dictionary in main and then do further processing.This process is working when i am running Luigi with one worker.if running Luigi with more than one worker,this variable is empty in main method.加载所有文件后,我希望能够从主字典中访问这些数据帧,然后进行进一步处理。当我与一名工人一起运行 Luigi 时,此过程正在工作。如果与一名以上工人一起运行 Luigi,此变量在 main 方法中为空。

Any suggestion will be helpful.任何建议都会有所帮助。

 import Luigi
    from Luigi import LocalTarget
    from pyspark import SQLContext
    from src.etl.SparkAbstract import SparkAbstract
    from src.util.getSpark import  get_spark_session
    from  src.util import getSpark,read_json
    import configparser as cp
    import  datetime
    from src.input.InputCSVFileComponent import InputCSVFile
    import os
    from src.etl.Component import ComponentInfo
    class fileloadTask(luigi.Task):
        compinfo = luigi.Parameter()
        def output(self):
            return luigi.LocalTarget("src/workflow_output/"+str(datetime.date.today().isoformat() )+"-"+ str(self.compinfo.id)+".csv")
        def run(self):
            a = InputCSVFile(self.compinfo)  ##this class is responsible to return the object of  spark dataframe and put it in dictionary
            with self.output().open('w') as f:
    class EnqueueTask(luigi.WrapperTask):
     compinfo = read_json.read_json_config('path to json file')
        def requires(self):
            folders = [
                comp.id for comp in list(self.compinfo) if comp.component_type == 'INPUTFILE'
            newcominfo = []
            for index, objid in enumerate(folders):
            for i in newcominfo:
                print(f" in compingo..{i.id}")
            callmethod = [fileloadTask(compinfo) for compinfo in newcominfo]
            return callmethod
    class MainTask(luigi.WrapperTask):
        def requires(self):
            return EnqueueTask()
        def output(self):
            return luigi.LocalTarget("src/workflow_output/"+str(datetime.date.today().isoformat() )+"-"+ "maintask"+".csv")
        def run(self):
            print(f"printing mapdf..{SparkAbstract.mapDf}")
            res = not SparkAbstract.mapDf
            print("Is dictionary empty ? : " + str(res)) ####-------------> this is empty when workers > 1 ################
            for key, value in SparkAbstract.mapDf.items():
                print("prinitng from dict")
                print(key, value.show(10))
            with self.output().open('w') as f:
    entry point for spark application
    if __name__ == "__main__":

Each worker runs in its own process.每个工人都在自己的进程中运行。 That mean workers can't share python object (in this instance the dictionary in which you put the results).这意味着工作人员不能共享 python object (在这种情况下是您放置结果的字典)。

Generally speaking luigi is best to orchestrate tasks with side effects (like writing to files etc).一般来说,luigi 最适合编排具有副作用的任务(例如写入文件等)。

If you you are trying to parallelise tasks that load data in memory, I'd recommand using dask instead of luigi.如果您尝试并行化在 memory 中加载数据的任务,我建议使用 dask 而不是 luigi。

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