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是否有 R function 用于计算 df 中每一行的 Spearman 相关系数并将其写为向量?

[英]Is there an R function for calculating Spearman correlation coefficient for each row in df and writing it as a vector?

I am wondering whether there is an R function or package for calculating Spearman correlation coefficient for each row in df and writing it as a vector?我想知道是否有一个 R function 或 package 用于计算 df 中每一行的 Spearman 相关系数并将其写为向量?

Reproducible example first:首先是可重现的示例:

deviation <- c(5.712840e-03, 5.712840e-02, 5.712840e-01, 5.712940e-01,5.712840e-06)
number <- c(45, 60, 16, 70, 19)
df  <- data.frame(deviation, number)

My df have 5 rows and 2 columns.我的 df 有 5 行 2 列。 I wanted to calculate Spearman correlation for each row, so that later I can add one more column with 5 rho's to my df.我想计算每一行的 Spearman 相关性,以便稍后我可以在我的 df 中再添加一个具有 5 个 rho 的列。 I understood there was a function cor.test that calculates the correlation coefficients.我知道有一个计算相关系数的 function cor.test。 However, it doesn't help me to solve my task because I will get only one coefficient after it like但是,它并不能帮助我解决我的任务,因为在它之后我只会得到一个系数

test <- cor.test(deviation, number, method="spearman")

It will give only one rho.它只会给出一个 rho。

Could anyone, please, recommend me some package or function in R that can help to solve this task.请任何人向我推荐一些可以帮助解决此任务的 R 中的 package 或 function。

In addition to the comment of Ben Bolker I guess you are looking for something like this:除了 Ben Bolker 的评论,我猜你正在寻找这样的东西:

cor.test(df$deviation, df$number, method = "spearman")  


    Spearman's rank correlation rho

data:  df$deviation and df$number
S = 12, p-value = 0.5167
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:

In order to put the estimates in a data frame you can use tidy() from broom package:为了将估计值放入数据框中,您可以使用broom package 中的tidy()

cor.test(df$deviation, df$number, method = "spearman") %>% tidy()


# A tibble: 1 x 5
  estimate statistic p.value method                          alternative
     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>                           <chr>      
1      0.4        12   0.517 Spearman's rank correlation rho two.sided  

You then can make a function and use it:然后您可以制作 function 并使用它:

cor_fun <- function(df) cor.test(df$deviation, df$number, method = "spearman") %>% tidy()

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