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Pandas - 如何识别系列中的“nan”值

[英]Pandas - How to identify `nan` values in a Series

I am currently playing with Kaggle Titanic dataset (train.csv)我目前正在玩 Kaggle 泰坦尼克号数据集 (train.csv)

  1. I can load the data fine.我可以很好地加载数据。
  2. I understood that some data in Embarked column has nan value.我知道Embarked列中的某些数据具有nan值。 But when I tried to filter it using the following code, I am getting an empty array但是当我尝试使用以下代码过滤它时,我得到一个空数组
    import pandas as pd
    df = df.read_csv(<file_loc>, header=0)
    df[df.Embarked == 'nan']

I tried to import numpy.nan to replace the string nan above.我尝试导入numpy.nan来替换上面的字符串nan But it doesn't work.但它不起作用。

What am I trying to find - is all the cells which are not 'S', 'C', 'Q'.我要查找的是所有不是“S”、“C”、“Q”的单元格。

Also realised later that.... the nan is a Float type using type(df.Embarked.unique()[-1]) .后来也意识到.... nan是使用type(df.Embarked.unique()[-1])的 Float 类型。 Could someone help me understand how to identify those nan cells?有人可以帮助我了解如何识别那些nan细胞吗?

NaN is used to represent missing values. NaN用于表示缺失值。

  • To find them, use .isna()要找到它们,请使用.isna()

    Detect missing values.检测缺失值。

  • To replace them, use .fillna(value)要替换它们,请使用.fillna(value)

    Fill NA/NaN values填充 NA/NaN 值

Some examples on a series called col : col系列中的一些示例:

>>> col
0    1.0
1    NaN
2    2.0
dtype: float64
>>> col[col.isna()]
1   NaN
dtype: float64
>>> col.index[col.isna()]
Int64Index([1], dtype='int64')
>>> col.fillna(-1)
0    1.0
1   -1.0
2    2.0
dtype: float64

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