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在 Unity Timeline 中修改对象公共变量

[英]Modify Object Public Variables in Unity Timeline

I have a script to control unique properties of a given character.我有一个脚本来控制给定角色的独特属性。

Im looking for ways to be able to change public variables of this given script inside a timeline, or simply remove/deactivate a gameobject.我正在寻找能够在时间轴内更改此给定脚本的公共变量的方法,或者只是删除/停用游戏对象。

Ideally, something more "generic" would be running some piece of code inside the timeline, having some arguments that could be inputed by configuring the timeline.理想情况下,更“通用”的东西会在时间线内运行一些代码,有一些可以通过配置时间线输入的参数。 Could i do things like call methods of scripts in timelines ?我可以做一些事情,比如在时间线中调用脚本的方法吗?

Is this something doable ?这是可行的吗? I do not want to create animations for every timeline transition.我不想为每个时间线过渡创建动画。

Would appreciate any help !将不胜感激任何帮助!


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