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使用 Groupby 和单个 output 的 RMSE 和 MAPE 分数的多重线性回归

[英]Multiple Linear Regression with Groupby and single output of RMSE and MAPE scores

train2 和 test_val2 数据集

I have a dataset from 1115 stores, and would like to report on RMSE and MAPE by running a Linear Regression to predict for Sales .我有一个来自 1115 家商店的数据集,并且想通过运行线性回归来预测Sales来报告 RMSE 和 MAPE。 The issue is that I need to run a regression for each group of Stores (1115 regressions) but then report on a single value for RMSE and MAPE for all the regressions.问题是我需要为每组商店(1115 个回归)运行回归,然后为所有回归报告 RMSE 和 MAPE 的单个值。

  • For example, all rows with Store = 1 will be run under a regression, then rows with Store =2 are also regressed together, etc.例如,所有 Store = 1 的行都将在回归下运行,然后 Store = 2 的行也一起回归,等等。
  • Each store has many rows of data (eg: Store 1 has 900 rows, representing daily sales over 900 recorded days. Store 2 has another 900 rows, etc)每个商店都有很多行数据(例如:商店 1 有 900 行,代表 900 记录天的每日销售额。商店 2 有另外 900 行等)

Here's an example code of one method I found:这是我发现的一种方法的示例代码:

Y_pred2 = np.zeros(test_val.shape[0]) #create an array filled with placeholder zeroes

train_bystore = train2.groupby(['Store'])
test_bystore = test_val2.groupby(['Store'])

for i in range(1,1116):
    a = train_bystore.get_group(i)
    b = test_bystore.get_group(i)
    # create loop to instantiate datasets
    X_train = a.drop(['Store','Date','Sales','Customers'],axis=1).values
    X_val = b.drop(['Store','Date','Sales','Customers'],axis=1).values
    Y_train = a['Sales']
    Y_val = b['Sales'] 
    lr = LinearRegression()
    # now to loop for predict
    pred = lr.predict(X_val)
    for j in b.index:
print('RMSE %0.3f' %np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(Y_pred2,Y_val)))
print('MAPE %0.3f%%' %(mean_absolute_percentage_error(Y_pred2,Y_val)*100))

The output was some ridiculous number (but it worked and is apparently correct): output 是一个荒谬的数字(但它有效并且显然是正确的):

RMSE 2886004774448802.532
MAPE 345.733%

I tried copying this method but it throws me an error:我尝试复制此方法,但它抛出了一个错误:

Error: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [34565, 31]

Then I tried this alternative method on my own, which I prefer.然后我自己尝试了这种替代方法,我更喜欢这种方法。 However, it doesn't contain lines for the RMSE and MAPE output, because I am not sure how to handle it in a way that gives only 1 score of each (for all 1115 regressions) as in the example above:但是,它不包含 RMSE 和 MAPE output 的行,因为我不知道如何以每个仅给出 1 分的方式处理它(对于所有 1115 次回归),如上例所示:

Y_train2 = train2['Sales']
Y_val2 = test_val2['Sales']
X_train2 = train2.drop(['Date','Sales','Customers'],axis=1)
X_val2 = test_val2.drop(['Date','Sales','Customers'],axis=1)

def model_grp(xtrain, xvals, ytrain, yvals):
    return np.squeeze(LinearRegression().fit(xtrain, ytrain).predict(xvals))

X_train2.groupby('Store').apply(model_grp, xtrain= X_train2, xvals= X_val2, ytrain=Y_train2, yvals=Y_val2)

I still got an error here too:我这里也有错误:

Error: model_grp() got multiple values for argument 'xtrain'


After going through the code again I seem to have discovered the reason for the error I encountered earlier:再次浏览代码后,我似乎发现了我之前遇到的错误的原因:

Error: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [34565, 31]

Basically, Y_val2 = test_val2['Sales'] needed to be called outside of the for loop, since test_val2 underwent a groupby transformation already with the line test_bystore = test_val2.groupby(['Store']) .基本上,需要在 for 循环之外调用Y_val2 = test_val2['Sales'] ,因为test_val2已经使用test_bystore = test_val2.groupby(['Store'])行进行了 groupby 转换。

This transformation caused test_bystore['Sales'] to be an array of length 31. This would have occured if I defined it within the for loop.这种转换导致test_bystore['Sales']成为一个长度为 31 的数组。如果我在 for 循环中定义它,就会发生这种情况。

As a result, the RMSE and MAPE score calculation could not be performed (it was comparing Y_pred2 of length 34565 with test_bystore['Sales'] of length 31) if I had continued to incorrectly call Y_val2 = test_val2['Sales'] within the for loop结果,如果我继续错误地调用Y_pred2 Y_val2 = test_val2['Sales'] test_bystore['Sales'] for 循环

The corrected code is as follows:修正后的代码如下:

Y_pred2 = np.zeros(test_val2.shape[0]) # call an array of zeroes to later fill with 'pred' values using for loop
Y_val2 = test_val2['Sales'] # call Y_val2 here as it remains the same for every instance of the looped regression

# the following grouby statements creates some sort of 3D dataset, so can't be printed
train_bystore = train2.groupby(['Store'])
test_bystore = test_val2.groupby(['Store'])

for i in range(1,1116):
    df1 = train_bystore.get_group(i)
    df2 = test_bystore.get_group(i)
    Y_train2 = df1['Sales']
#   Y_val = df2['Sales'] # incorrect to call here
    X_train2 = df1.drop(['Store','Date','Sales','Customers'],axis=1).values
    X_val2 = df2.drop(['Store','Date','Sales','Customers'],axis=1).values
    model = LinearRegression()
    pred = model.fit(X_train2, Y_train2).predict(X_val2) # for each regression from 1-1115, output a 'pred'
    i = 0
    for j in df2.index:
            Y_pred2[j] = pred[i] # place the 'pred' output into each row of Y_pred2

Model_2_RMSE = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(Y_pred2,Y_val2))
Model_2_MAPE = (mean_absolute_percentage_error(Y_pred2,Y_val2)*100)

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