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[英]what is the problem in this butterworth filter

i am trying to remove the base wander noise from ecg signal, base wander noise is low-frequency artefact of around 0.5Hz, for that i tried a digital butterworth highpass filter:我试图从 ecg 信号中去除基漂移噪声,基漂移噪声是大约 0.5Hz 的低频伪像,为此我尝试了数字巴特沃斯高通滤波器:

code of filter过滤器代码


frequency response频率响应


the ecg signal used is the record 100 from mit bih arrhythmia data base ( record sampled at 360 samples per second), first i read the record using wfdb package and then i applied the filter on it, but the result looks something like this:使用的 ecg 信号是来自 mit bih 心律失常数据库的记录 100(以每秒 360 个样本采样的记录),首先我使用 wfdb package 读取记录,然后我对其应用过滤器,但结果看起来像这样:

code of filtering the signal信号过滤代码


the result结果


the result looks kinda off.结果看起来有点不对劲。 i want to know where is the problem?我想知道问题出在哪里?

I think the problem is that your filter does not know the time step of your dataset, particularly in your call to bilinear where you explicitly give a sampling frequency of 1.我认为问题在于您的过滤器不知道数据集的时间步长,特别是在您对bilinear的调用中,您明确给出了 1 的采样频率。

To demonstrate, let's start with a pretty strong signal:为了演示,让我们从一个非常强的信号开始:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 1_000
T = 4.
tau = 0.25 # period of signal, frequency of 4 Hz
f = 1 / tau # frequency
omega = 2 * np.pi * f # angular frequency

t, dt = np.linspace(0, T, N, endpoint = False, retstep = True)
fs = 1 / dt # sampling frequency in Hz

noise = np.random.random(N)
sig = np.sin(t * omega)
x = 0.2 * noise + sig

plt.plot(t, x)


Now let's start with the filter you've developed.现在让我们从您开发的过滤器开始。 My wave is higher frequency than your cutoff so it should be caught, but it isn't.我的波的频率高于你的截止频率,所以它应该被捕获,但事实并非如此。

from scipy import signal
b, a = signal.butter(4, 0.5, 'high', analog = True, output = 'ba')
z, p = signal.bilinear(b, a, 1.)

x_filt = signal.lfilter(z, p, x)
plt.plot(t, x)
plt.plot(t, x_filt)


Note that in your call to bilinear you are setting a sampling frequency of 1. Let's instead use our sampling frequency (defined above as fs ).请注意,在您对bilinear的调用中,您将采样频率设置为 1。让我们改为使用我们的采样频率(上面定义为fs )。

z, p = signal.bilinear(b, a, fs)
x_filt = signal.lfilter(z, p, x)
plt.plot(t, x)
plt.plot(t, x_filt)


As a last note, you may sometimes observe a phase shift with Butterorth filters.最后一点,您有时可能会观察到 Butterorth 滤波器的相移。 Again, I am not an expert and have only ever used them in cases where I was not worried about the phase, but see here for suggestion on using a different type of filter if this is an issue.同样,我不是专家,只在我不担心相位的情况下才使用它们,但如果这是一个问题, 请参阅此处以获取有关使用不同类型过滤器的建议。 The comments here also suggest using a different filter for this reason.出于这个原因, 此处的评论还建议使用不同的过滤器。

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