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在 ggplot2 中,指定用于 geom_smooth() 置信区间的值(类似于 geom_errorbar)

[英]In ggplot2,specify values to use for geom_smooth() confidence interval (similar to geom_errorbar)

I am plotting temperature values over the course of a year using geom_smooth() .我正在使用geom_smooth()绘制一年中的温度值。 I have daily min, max, and mean temperatures, and I would like to display the mean as a line, and then the min and max like you would display a confidence interval.我有每天的最低、最高和平均温度,我想将平均值显示为一条线,然后像你一样显示一个置信区间的最小值和最大值。 There is a se = T argument to geom_smooth() , and I am wondering how I can supply variables to use as the "confidence interval." geom_smooth()有一个se = T参数,我想知道如何提供变量以用作“置信区间”。 I know you can do this with box plots with geom_errorbar() , and I'm hoping there is a similar version for line plots.我知道你可以用geom_errorbar()的箱形图来做到这一点,我希望有一个类似的线图版本。

I would like my plot to look like the results of this, but using the max and min values to display the confidence interval.我希望我的情节看起来像这样的结果,但使用最大值和最小值来显示置信区间。

mean <- runif(365, min = 10, max = 25)
max <- runif(365, min = 26, max = 35)
min <- runif(365, min = 0, max = 9)

temp <- data.frame(day = 1:365, mean = mean)

ggplot(data = temp, aes(x = day, y = mean)) +

EDIT: I am adding two years of data, and would like each year to have its own geom_smooth line and its own geom_ribbon.编辑:我正在添加两年的数据,并且希望每年都有自己的 geom_smooth 线和自己的 geom_ribbon。 As the code is now, each year has its own geom_smooth line but there is a single geom_ribbon for all years.就像现在的代码一样,每年都有自己的 geom_smooth 线,但所有年份都有一个 geom_ribbon。

mean1 <- runif(365, min = 10, max = 25)
max1 <- runif(365, min = 26, max = 35)
min1 <- runif(365, min = 0, max = 9)

mean3 <- runif(365, min = 10, max = 25)
max3 <- runif(365, min = 30, max = 40)
min3 <- runif(365, min = -5, max = 5)

mean2 <- runif(365, min = 10, max = 25)
max2 <- runif(365, min = 200, max = 220)
min2 <- runif(365, min = -10, max = 9)

temp <- rbind(data.frame(day = 1:365, mean = mean1, max = max1, min = min1, label = 'A'),
            data.frame(day = 1:365, mean = mean2, max = max2, min = min2, label = 'B'),
            data.frame(day = 1:365, mean = mean3, max = max3, min = min3, label = 'C'))

ggplot(data = temp, aes(x = day, y = mean, color = label)) +
  geom_ribbon(data = temp %>% group_by(label),
              aes(ymin = stats::predict(loess(min ~ day)), ymax = stats::predict(loess(max ~ day)),
                  color = label),
              alpha = 0.1) +
  geom_smooth(se = F) 


EDIT #2: See bottom for smoothed ribbon.编辑#2:平滑色带见底部。 Adopted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/71423425/6851825采用自https://stackoverflow.com/a/71423425/6851825

EDIT: 2nd option below uses min / max directly to define shaded range.编辑:下面的第二个选项直接使用min / max来定义阴影范围。

We could specify a fixed confidence interval by putting the confidence interval into a ribbon layer that uses the stat_smooth calculation, but where we override the y range to use the smooth value plus a constant.我们可以通过将置信区间放入使用stat_smooth计算的功能区层中来指定一个固定的置信区间,但是我们覆盖 y 范围以使用平滑值加上一个常数。

ggplot(data = temp, aes(x = day, y = mean)) +
    aes(ymax = after_stat(y) + 1,
        ymin = after_stat(y) - 1),
    alpha = 0.1
  ) +
  geom_smooth(se = FALSE)


Of if you mean you want to use the min and max values directly as your shaded range:如果你的意思是你想直接使用最小值和最大值作为你的阴影范围:

ggplot(data = temp, aes(x = day, y = mean)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = min, ymax = max),
              alpha = 0.1) +
  geom_smooth(se = FALSE)


Adopted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/71423425/6851825 , we can put the min and max into the data frame and make a ribbon that calls predict(loess(y~x)) to calculate the min and max ranges.采用https://stackoverflow.com/a/71423425/6851825 ,我们可以将最小值和最大值放入数据框中,并制作一个调用predict(loess(y~x))的功能区来计算最小值和最大值范围。

temp <- data.frame(day = 1:365, mean = mean,
                   max = max, min = min)

ggplot(data = temp, aes(x = day)) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.1,
              aes(ymin = predict(loess(min~day)),
                  ymax = predict(loess(max~day)))) +
  geom_smooth(aes(y = mean), se = FALSE) +
  # these are to confirm the ranges match what geom_smooth would produce
  geom_smooth(aes(y = max), se = FALSE, linetype = "dashed", size = 0.2) +
  geom_smooth(aes(y = min), se = FALSE, linetype = "dashed", size = 0.2)


EDIT based on new grouped data:根据新的分组数据编辑:

The prior technique doesn't work with grouped data because the base predict function doesn't "see" groups unless we've put it inside dplyr::group_by and dplyr::mutate .先前的技术不适用于分组数据,因为基本predict函数不会“看到”组,除非我们将它放在dplyr::group_bydplyr::mutate中。 So we can use those to precalculate the values we need in the data = part.所以我们可以使用这些来预先计算我们在data =部分中需要的值。

ggplot(data = temp, aes(x = day, y = mean, color = label)) +
  geom_ribbon(data = temp %>% group_by(label) %>%
                mutate(ymin_smooth = stats::predict(loess(min~day)),
                       ymax_smooth = stats::predict(loess(max~day))),
              aes(ymin = ymin_smooth,  ymax = ymax_smooth, fill = label),
              alpha = 0.1) +
  geom_smooth(se = F) 


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