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如何将 DICOM 文件转换为 RGB?

[英]How do I convert a DICOM file into RGB?

I'll explain my problem in Matlab.我将在 Matlab 中解释我的问题。 I have a multi-frame DICOM file, 70x70x50.我有一个多帧 DICOM 文件,70x70x50。 I would like to convert it to RGB.我想将其转换为 RGB。

This is my code:这是我的代码:

clear all;
close all;
% Lettura Dicom

img = dicomread('provaDICOM.dcm'); % 4-D int16
info = dicominfo('provaDICOM.dcm');
img2 = squeeze(img); % 70x70x50 int16
img3 = mat2gray(img2); % 70x70x50 double
% volumeViewer(img2);

% Conversione RGB

cmap = copper(256);
numslice = size(img3,3);
colored_MHA = zeros(size(img3, 1), size(img3, 2), numslice, 3);
for slice = 1 : numslice
  colored_MHA(:,:,slice) = ind2rgb(img3(:,:,slice), cmap);

This is the error:这是错误:

Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 70-by-70 and the size of the right side is

Error in Dicom (line 18)
  colored_MHA(:,:,slice) = ind2rgb(img3(:,:,slice), cmap);

You need to reference an extra dimension on colored_MHA .您需要在colored_MHA上引用一个额外的维度。


colored_MHA(:,:,:,slice) = ind2rgb(img3(:,:,slice), cmap);

More generally - the error is telling you that you're trying to put something big into something too small, and when you see this you can ask yourself why that is.更一般地说 - 错误告诉您您正在尝试将大的东西放入太小的东西中,当您看到这一点时,您可以问自己为什么会这样。

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