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如何在 x 轴的特定间隔之间绘制 y 轴点?

[英]how to plot y-axis points between specific intervals of x-axis?

I have x and y values.我有 x 和 y 值。 The x-axis values lie between 65 to 79, which are divided into three bins ie, 65-69, 70-74, 75-80. x 轴值介于 65 到 79 之间,分为三个 bin,即 65-69、70-74、75-80。 I have computed the mean and standard deviation for each bin.我已经计算了每个 bin 的平均值和标准差。 The data is shown in the figure.数据如图所示。


I want to plot the mean and std as error bars in the respective bin of the x-axis.我想在 x 轴的相应 bin 中将平均值和标准绘制为误差线。 The resultant plot is also shown in the following figure.结果图也显示在下图中。 Please if anyone knows, can help me.请如果有人知道,可以帮助我。


Perhaps something like this ?也许是这样的?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

xValues = [67, 72, 77]
yValues = [67, 72, 77]
xErrorValues = [1.6, 1.6, 1.6]
yErrorValues = [1.6, 1.6, 1.6]
plt.scatter(xValues, yValues, zorder = 2)
plt.errorbar(xValues, yValues, xerr = xErrorValues, yerr = yErrorValues,
  fmt = 'none', capsize = 10, ecolor = 'red', zorder = 1)
plt.xlim(60, 90)
plt.ylim(60, 90)

plot image绘图图像

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