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如何使用 spark 从 HTTP 源下载内容并将数据提取到 HDFS

[英]How to Download content from HTTP source and Ingest Data to HDFS using spark

I have a use case to download content from an HTTP source and Ingest it to HDFS using python, the data available in the source is not live data, It has some content that changes once a week and I have to download the updated content every week, no of files to download would be 50k to 80k files and I have to do this by multithreading我有一个用例从 HTTP 源下载内容并使用 python 将其摄取到 HDFS,源中可用的数据不是实时数据,它有一些内容每周更改一次,我必须每周下载更新的内容,要下载的文件不会是 50k 到 80k 文件,我必须通过多线程来完成

I have a couple of questions我有一些问题

  1. Can I use spark for this scenario?我可以在这种情况下使用 spark 吗? If so please tell me how to use it (or) point me to some spark resources如果是这样,请告诉我如何使用它(或)指出一些 spark 资源

  2. If spark is not a good fit for the scenario, then what else could I use?如果 spark 不适合该场景,那么我还能使用什么?

Thanks in Advance提前致谢

Spark would be a good choice if you want to move the file into HFDS.如果您想将文件移动到 HFDS,Spark 将是一个不错的选择。

This thread provides to way of achieving this: Adding a file to spark context:线程提供了实现此目的的方法:Adding a file to spark context:

 from pyspark import SparkFiles from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("test").getOrCreate() url = "https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/clickstream/2017-11/clickstream-jawiki-2017-11.tsv.gz" spark.sparkContext.addFile(url) df = spark.read.option("sep", "\t").csv("file://" + SparkFiles.get("clickstream-jawiki-2017-11.tsv.gz")) df.show(10)

Using wget:使用 wget:

 import wget url = "https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/clickstream/2017-11/clickstream-jawiki-2017-11.tsv.gz" local_path = '/tmp/wikipediadata/clickstream-jawiki-2017-11.tsv.gz' wget.download(url, local_path) df = spark.read.option("sep", "\t").csv('file://'+local_path) df.show(10)

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