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h5py 在数据集中只存储 0

[英]h5py stores only 0s in datasets

I'm trying to store some values in an h5py file, but every time I try to store a matrix in a dataset, all the matrix elements are replaced by 0s.我试图将一些值存储在 h5py 文件中,但每次我尝试将矩阵存储在数据集中时,所有矩阵元素都被替换为 0。 Here's an example这是一个例子

I create the file like this:我这样创建文件:

output_file=h5py.File('output_file', 'w')

dset=output_file.create_dataset('dset', (3,3))

for k in range(3):
    for l in range(3):

I then read the file and try to print the output然后我读取文件并尝试打印 output

file=h5py.File('output_file', 'r')


the output is output 是

[[0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0.]]

all the 1s have been turned into 0s.所有的 1 都变成了 0。 What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

This is explicitly covered in the manual .在手册中有明确说明。 When you do dset[k] , you create a temporary array.当您执行dset[k]时,您会创建一个临时数组。 It is this array's l 'th element that you set when you do dset[k][l] = 1.0 .这是您在执行dset[k][l] = 1.0时设置的数组的第l个元素。 That temporary array is not the h5py dataset that you want to be referring to – you aren't touching the latter at all.该临时数组不是您想要引用的 h5py 数据集——您根本没有触及后者。

In short: index with dset[k, l] instead.简而言之:用dset[k, l]代替索引。

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