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Model 3D 点模式使用 spatstat

[英]Model a 3D Point Pattern using spatstat

Is there any way to fit a spatial statistical model to 3d data in spatstat? spatstat中有没有办法拟合一个空间统计model到3d的数据?

I have tried using the functions such as ppm and kppm but they are not working for pp3我试过使用 ppm 和 kppm 等函数,但它们不适用于 pp3

This is not yet supported in spatstat (that is, the model-fitting functions ppm , kppm and mppm do not accept three-dimensional point pattern data).这在spatstat中尚不支持(即,模型拟合函数ppmkppmmppm不接受三维点模式数据)。

We are working on it.我们正在做这件事。


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