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条件格式中的自定义 MATCH function 在 google 工作表中不能完全工作

[英]Custom MATCH function in conditional formatting not fully working in google sheets

I've been working on a sheet that helps me track matching numbers.我一直在制作一张可以帮助我跟踪匹配号码的表格。 I used the MATCH function using custom conditional formatting.我使用 MATCH function 使用自定义条件格式。 To help me track easily, I want the cells to be highlighted when the value matches with the other column (column B and column I) .为了帮助我轻松跟踪,我希望在值与另一列(B 列和 I 列)匹配时突出显示单元格。

My first attempt was not successful since it did not highlight anything (see sheet: 1st attempt) .我的第一次尝试没有成功,因为它没有突出显示任何内容(见表:第一次尝试) So I tried to add another column (column J) hoping it will work.所以我尝试添加另一列(J 列),希望它能起作用。 It kinda worked but not the way I wanted to (see sheet: 2nd attempt) .它有点管用,但不是我想要的方式(见表:第二次尝试)

The format in Column B seems to be a NUMBER. B 列中的格式似乎是数字。 The format in Column B seems to be a TEXT. B 列中的格式似乎是文本。 The format in Column B seems to be a NUMBER. B 列中的格式似乎是数字。

I am really confused and stuck now on what to do next.我真的很困惑,现在不知道下一步该怎么做。 Your help will really be appreciated.非常感谢您的帮助。 Thank you!谢谢!

Here is the link to the document in case you want to have a glimpse of it.如果您想浏览一下,这里是文档的链接。 It is editable, btw.它是可编辑的,顺便说一句。 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pCT5wWYOpaXT6t8UOPSIzUomz_sZJKgxekASHj4ZPCU/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pCT5wWYOpaXT6t8UOPSIzUomz_sZJKgxekASHj4ZPCU/edit?usp=sharing


=(INDEX(COUNTIF(RIGHT(B$3:B, 7), RIGHT(I3, 7))))*(I3<>"")


Added solution CF to your sheet here : 在此处将解决方案 CF 添加到您的工作表中:



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