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我将如何修改此 URDF 以包含夹具 arm?

[英]How would I modify this URDF to make include the gripper arm?

I have this robot arm which came with a URDF file and some STL files.我有这个机器人 arm,它带有一个 URDF 文件和一些 STL 文件。 The URDF file includes all of the revolute joints but it does not include a joint for the gripper. URDF 文件包括所有旋转关节,但不包括夹具的关节。

RViz 中的机器人图像

I'm trying to figure out how to add the gripper to the URDF so I can simulate it, but I am having a tough time since I've never done this before.我正在尝试弄清楚如何将抓手添加到 URDF 以便我可以对其进行模拟,但我遇到了困难,因为我以前从未这样做过。

The last link/joint of the URDF look like this: URDF 的最后一个链接/关节如下所示:

<link name="link5">
                    xyz="0 0 -0.11"
                    rpy="0 0 0"/>
                        rgba="1 1 1 1"/>
                    xyz="0 0 0"
                    rpy="0 0 0"/>
    <joint name="joint5" type="revolute">
                xyz="-0.18385 -0.00215 -0.000605"
                rpy="0 -1.5708 0"/>
                xyz="0 0 1"/>

If I want this gripper to open and close in RViz, could I do so with the current mesh/STL?如果我想让这个夹具在 RViz 中打开和关闭,我可以使用当前的网格/STL 来实现吗? If not, how would I re-build a moveable gripper with basic shapes like rectangles in the URDF?如果没有,我将如何在 URDF 中重新构建一个具有基本形状(如矩形)的可移动夹具?

Here is a closeup link-5 stl:这是一个特写链接 5 stl: link-5 前面


As I wrote in the comments, here is a way to create a simplified model , from that you would need to create a ROS Node to publish the joint_states in a way that would mimic the motion of your gripper正如我在评论中所写,这是一种创建简化的 model的方法,从中您需要创建一个ROS Node来以模仿夹具运动的方式发布joint_states

EDIT: Seems that someone has already done it for you编辑:似乎有人已经为你做了

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