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wav2vec2-base model 的 WER 在整个训练过程中保持为 1

[英]WER for wav2vec2-base model remains as 1 throughout the whole training process

I am trying to run the wav2vec2 speech recognition model as shared in https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/tasks/asr我正在尝试运行 https 中共享的wav2vec2语音识别model://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/tasks/asr

This is the loss and WER during the training process, whereby the validation loss is reducing significantly, whereas the WER remains as 1.这是训练过程中的loss和WER ,此时validation loss明显减少,而WER依然为1。

I tried to print out the predicted and label values and this is what I got for the last 3 outputs , which results in the WER = 1.我尝试打印出预测值和 label 值,这是我得到的最后 3 个输出结果,结果 WER = 1。

This is the set of parameters of the model. model param .这是 model 的参数集。 model param

What may actually go wrong here?可实际上go这里有什么错呢? Please help.. Thanks!请帮助..谢谢!

I have tried tuning the hyperparameters and hoping to reduce the WER.我尝试调整超参数并希望减少 WER。

Thank you for providing some useful information for troubleshooting.感谢您提供一些对故障排除有用的信息。

  • Your loss is reducing, which shows that the model is training, however your learning rate of 0.01 is very high.你的损失在减少,这表明 model 正在训练,但是你的学习率0.01非常高。 Consider changing this to something like 1e-5 as shown in the example on Hugging Face.考虑将其更改为类似1e-5的内容,如 Hugging Face 中的示例所示。

  • The other thing I noticed was that all your input text is in UPPER CASE LIKE THIS .我注意到的另一件事是你所有的输入文本都是UPPER CASE LIKE THIS Depending on the training data used for the original model, it may not be expecting upper case text.根据用于原始 model 的训练数据,它可能不需要大写文本。 Try lower-casing your text to see if that yields a lower WER.尝试小写您的文本,看看是否会产生较低的 WER。

  • Your save_steps and eval_steps are also both far too high.您的save_stepseval_steps也都太高了。 This is how far the model "looks backwards" to evaluate - with a count of 1 on both these parameters, the model doesn't have enough history to compare better predictions.这是 model“向后看”评估的距离——这两个参数的计数均为 1,model 没有足够的历史记录来比较更好的预测。 Increase these parameters and try again.增加这些参数并重试。

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