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[英]How can we get the children(calendardayitem) of parent object(calendarview) in winui?

In UWP,we can fetch the children by FindDescendants<>.But in winui, we can't able to do that.在 UWP 中,我们可以通过 FindDescendants<> 获取孩子。但是在 winui 中,我们不能这样做。 By doing with visualhelpertree,It always shows zero count in getchildCount() from the calendarview通过使用 visualhelpertree,它总是在 calendarview 的 getchildCount() 中显示零计数

I just wanted to know how to fetch the children of calendarview.我只是想知道如何获取日历视图的孩子。 Also i have tried this but shows me zero child always,我也试过这个但总是显示零孩子,

    private void FindDescendants1(DependencyObject parent, Type targetType)
            int childrenCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent);
            itemchange.Text = childrenCount.ToString();
            for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
                var child =(CalendarViewDayItem) VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
                if (child.GetType() == targetType)
                FindDescendants1(child, targetType);

Simply I have created this function to get the child and called,简单地说,我创建了这个 function 来获取孩子并调用,

foreach (DependencyObject displayedDay in results)
            //displayedDay = (CalendarViewDayItem)displayedDay;
            CalendarViewDayItem c = displayedDay as CalendarViewDayItem;
            if (_highlightedDates.Contains(c.Date))
                c.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
            itemchange.Text = c.Date.ToString();

But this not getting the child,results is the list of objects here where it always show me zero.但这没有得到孩子,结果是这里的对象列表,它总是显示为零。

My first guess is that you are calling FindDescendants1() before the control is loaded, in the constructor for example.我的第一个猜测是您在加载控件之前调用 FindDescendants1(),例如在构造函数中。 If your CalendarView is in a Page , try calling FindDescendants1() in the Page 's Loaded event.如果您的CalendarViewPage中,请尝试在PageLoaded事件中调用 FindDescendants1() 。

But there's another problem in you code below.但是您在下面的代码中还有另一个问题。

var child = (CalendarViewDayItem)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);

You'll get an exception because you're trying to cast every DependencyObject to a CalendarViewDayItem .你会得到一个异常,因为你试图将每个DependencyObject转换为CalendarViewDayItem By removing the cast you should get the CalendarViewItems .通过删除演员表,您应该获得CalendarViewItems Though, I would make the FinDescendants() static and just receive the results:虽然,我会让 FinDescendants() static 并只收到结果:

private static IEnumerable<T> FindDescendantsOfType<T>(DependencyObject parent) where T : DependencyObject
    for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent); i++)
        DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
        if (child is T hit)
            yield return hit;

        foreach (T? grandChild in FindChildrenOfType<T>(child))
            yield return grandChild;

And use it like this:并像这样使用它:

this.results = FindChildrenOfType<CalendarViewDayItem>(this.CalendarViewControl);

foreach (var item in this.results)
    // Do you work here...

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