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[英]Why does Haskell interpret my Num type as an Enum?

I'm trying to compile the following function in Haskell to mimic differentiation of a polynomial whose constants are specified in a numerical list: 我正在尝试在Haskell中编译以下函数,以模仿在数值列表中指定常量的多项式的区分:

diff :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a]
diff [] = error "Polynomial unspecified"
diff coeff = zipWith (*) (tail coeff) [0..]

Haskell refuses to compile it, giving me the following reason: Haskell拒绝编译它,给出了以下原因:

Could not deduce (Enum a) from the context (Num a)
 arising from the arithmetic sequence `0 .. ' at fp1.hs:7:38-42
Possible fix:
 add (Enum a) to the context of the type signature for `diff'
In the third argument of `zipWith', namely `[0 .. ]'
In the expression: zipWith (*) (tail coeff) ([0 .. ])
In the definition of `diff':
diff coeff = zipWith (*) (tail coeff) ([0 .. ])

Why is Haskell treating the [0..] list as an Enum type, and how can I fix this. 为什么Haskell将[0..]列表视为Enum类型,我该如何解决这个问题。 Bear in mind that I want to take advantage of lazy evaluation here, hence the infinite list. 请记住,我想利用这里的懒惰评估,因此无限列表。

[0..] is syntactic sugar for enumFrom 0 , defined in class Enum . [0..]enumFrom 0语法糖,在Enum类中定义。 Because you want to generate a list of a s with [0..] the compiler demands a to be in class Enum . 因为要生成的列表a以s [0..]编译器需要a要在类Enum

You can either add the Enum a to the type signature of the function or work around it by generating a [0..] :: [Integer] and using fromInteger (which is defined in class Num ) to get a [a] from that: 您可以将Enum a添加到函数的类型签名中,也可以通过生成[0..] :: [Integer]并使用fromInteger (在类Num定义)从中获取[a]来解决该问题。 :

diff :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a]
diff [] = error "Polynomial unspecified"
diff coeff = zipWith (*) (tail coeff) (map fromInteger [0..])

The correct type of diff has to be 必须有正确的diff类型

diff :: (Num a, Enum a) => [a] -> [a]

because the usage of [x..] requires the type to instantiate Enum . 因为[x..]要求类型实例化Enum

[0..]enumFrom 0缩写, 请参见此处

Here's a quick summary of what the compiler sees when it looks at this function: 以下是编译器在查看此函数时看到的内容的快速摘要:

  • [0..] is a list of things that have both Num and Enum instances. [0 ..]是包含Num和Enum实例的事物的列表。 It has to be a Num because of the '0', and it has to be an Enum because of the '..' 由于'0',它必须是一个Num,并且因为'..'而必须是一个Enum。
  • I'm being asked to apply (*) to the elements of coeff and [0..] one by one. 我被要求逐一将(*)应用于coeff和[0 ..]的元素。 Since both arguments to (*) have to be the same type and [0..] has an instance for Enum, coeff must also have an instance for Enum. 由于(*)的两个参数必须是相同的类型,并且[0 ..]具有Enum的实例,因此coeff还必须具有Enum的实例。
  • Error! 错误! The type signature of diff only mentions that coeff has an instance for Num, but I've already determined that it must at least have an instance for Enum too. diff的类型签名只提到coeff有一个Num实例,但我已经确定它至少也必须有一个Enum实例。

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