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用C ++计算球体的体积

[英]Calculating volume for sphere in C++

This is probably an easy one, but is the right way to calculate volume for a sphere in C++? 这可能很简单,但是在C ++中计算球体积的正确方法是什么? My getArea() seems to be right, but when I call getVolume() it doesn't output the right amount. 我的getArea()似乎是正确的,但是当我调用getVolume()它没有输出正确的数量。 With a sphere of radius = 1 , it gives me the answer of pi , which is incorrect: 对于radius = 1的球体,它给出了pi的答案,这是不正确的:

double Sphere::getArea() const
    return 4 * Shape::pi * pow(getZ(), 2);

double Sphere::getVolume() const
    return (4 / 3) * Shape::pi * pow(getZ(), 3);

You're using integer division in (4 / 3) . 你在(4 / 3) 4/3)中使用整数除法。 Instead, use floating point division: (4.0 / 3.0) . 相反,使用浮点除法: (4.0 / 3.0)

4/3 is 1, because integer division only produces integers. 4/3是1,因为整数除法只产生整数。 You can confirm this by test code: std::cout << (4/3) << std::endl; 您可以通过测试代码确认: std::cout << (4/3) << std::endl; .

In (4 / 3) , these are both integers so you get integer division. (4 / 3) ,这些都是整数,因此你得到整数除法。 That means the result will be truncated (1.333... becomes 1). 这意味着结果将被截断(1.333 ...变为1)。 Make one of them a double so the other gets promoted to a double during division, yielding a correct result. 使其中一个成为双重,以便在分裂期间将另一个提升为双倍,从而产生正确的结果。

I prefer to use (4.0 / 3.0) . 我更喜欢使用(4.0 / 3.0)

(4/3)是一个整数表达式,因此被截断为1.尝试(4.0 / 3.0)

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