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如何在VS 2008 IDE中更改应用于XML文档的xslt?

[英]How to I change the xslt applied to XML document in VS 2008 IDE?

I have an XML document and made an XSLT to output is as HTML and viewed the output in the IDE. 我有一个XML文档,并制作了一个XSLT以HTML格式输出,并在IDE中查看了输出。 Now I want to create an XSLT to output as text file, but the 'Show XSLT Output' only shows me the HTML. 现在,我想创建一个XSLT作为文本文件输出,但是“显示XSLT输出”仅向我显示HTML。 How do I switch it to the text output XSLT? 如何将其切换到文本输出XSLT?

I even put in the line: 我什至把:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="NotaryExport.xslt" ?>

With the XML document open, look in the Property Grid (F4). 打开XML文档后,在“属性网格(F4)”中查找。 You'll see that you have the Stylesheet property set to the original (HTML) stylesheet. 您会看到将Stylesheet属性设置为原始(HTML)样式表。 Switch it to use the text stylesheet. 切换为使用文本样式表。

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