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[英]CUDA - copy OpenGL rendered image to 2D array

Is it possible, to render a scene using OpenGL and than somehow copy rendered image to, for example, 2D array using CUDA? 是否可以使用OpenGL渲染场景,然后以某种方式使用CUDA将渲染的图像复制到2D数组中? I'd need to place a result in bool picture[resX][resY] array, where true = coloured pixel, false = empty space. 我需要将结果放置在bool picture[resX][resY]数组中,其中true =彩色像素,false =空白。

Thanks is advance for any suggestions! 感谢您的任何建议!

You could render to a PBO in OpenGL and then subsequently map this to a CUDA texture. 您可以在OpenGL中渲染到PBO,然后将其映射到CUDA纹理。 Have a look at the OpenGL interop documentation for some pointers 看看OpenGL互操作文档中的一些指针

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