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将可枚举对象的内容移动到对象数组的最佳方法是什么? 见下面的代码

[英]What is the best way to move the content of an enumerable objects to an array of objects? See code below

public object[] GetByteCodes(IEnumerable<byte> enumerableByteCodes)

     object[] objects = new object[enumerableByteCodes.Count()];

     //What the next step here?...

     return objects;

Do those bytes in enumerableByteCodes represent objects? enumerableByteCodes中的那些字节代表对象吗? If not, why are you not returning a byte[]? 如果不是,为什么不返回byte []?

If you want to return a byteArray, you can just use the LINQ extension method on 如果要返回一个byteArray,则可以仅使用LINQ扩展方法

IEnumerable<t>.ToArray() ; IEnumerable<t>.ToArray() ;

If you want to return it as an object you can use the Select LINQ extension to do that too. 如果要将其作为对象返回,也可以使用Select LINQ扩展名来执行。

enumerableByteCodes.Select(t=> (object)t).ToArray();

You could also use 您也可以使用


byteCodes = enumerableByteCodes.ToArray();

I would simply make the function: 我只是简单地使函数:

public byte[] GetByteCode(IEnumerable<byte> enumerableByteCodes)
    return enumerableByteCodes.ToArray();

Why are you using object[] , seeing as your generic type is a byte ? 为什么要使用object[] ,因为您的泛型类型是一个byte

Update: 更新:

Since you must have an object[] , you need to cast each member: 由于必须具有一个object[] ,因此需要强制转换每个成员:

public object[] GetByteCode(IEnumerable<byte> enumerableByteCodes)
    return enumerableByteCodes.Select(x => (object)x).ToArray();

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