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[英]What mapping should I add to my .vimrc that will allow me to split a buffer/window vertically/horizontally in VIM?

I just want to be able to split my VIM buffers/windows vertically and/or horizontally with a keyboard shortcut. 我只希望能够使用键盘快捷键在垂直和/或水平方向拆分VIM缓冲区/窗口。 I would like to use the following shortcuts: 我想使用以下快捷方式:

Vertical split 垂直分割


Horizontal split 水平分割


That would be a , (comma) followed by a v to vertically split a buffer & , (comma) followed by a h to horizontally split a buffer. 这将是一个 (逗号),后跟一个v以垂直拆分缓冲区& (逗号)后跟一个h以水平拆分缓冲区。

You could try to learn directly the commands 您可以尝试直接学习命令


for the horizontal and vertical splits. 用于水平和垂直拆分。 I use the mapping 我使用映射

nnoremap ,w <C-w>

for <Cw> so for the splits I type ,ws or ,wv 对于<Cw>因此对于拆分,我键入,ws,wv

The advantage of this is that it allows you to use ,w for all the other mappings provided by <Cw> 这样做的好处是,它允许您对<Cw>提供的所有其他映射使用,w

One last mapping I find useful in this context is 我发现在这种情况下有用的最后一个映射是

nnoremap ,, <C-w><C-w>

for changing between the various splits. 用于在各个拆分之间进行切换。

nnoremap ,v <C-w>v
nnoremap ,h <C-w>s
nnoremap ,v :split<enter>
nnoremap ,h :vsplit<enter>

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