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[英]unused memory using 32 bit integer in C

I have the folowing struct of integers (32 bit environment): 我有以下整数结构(32位环境):

struct rgb {
    int r;
    int g;
    int b;

Am I correct in saying that, since rgb component values (0-255) only require 8-bits(1 byte) to be represented, I am only using 1 byte of memory and leaving 3 bytes unused for each component? 我是否正确地说,由于rgb组件值(0-255)仅需要表示8位(1字节),因此我仅使用1字节的内存,而对每个组件未使用3个字节?

Also, if I instead did the following: 另外,如果我改为执行以下操作:

struct rgb{
    unsigned int r:8;
    unsigned int g:8;
    unsigned int b:8;

Assuming that what I said above is correct, would using this new struct reduce the number of unused bytes to 1? 假设我上面所说的是正确的,是否可以使用此新结构将未使用的字节数减少到1?

I would use unsigned char , which is exactly what you need. 我将使用unsigned char ,这正是您所需要的。 Like 喜欢

#ifndef BYTE
#define BYTE unsigned char

struct rgb
    BYTE r;
    BYTE g;
    BYTE b;

But to answer your question - yes, it does reduce the number of bytes to 1 for each field. 但是要回答您的问题-是的,它的确会将每个字段的字节数减少为1。

Anyway, the struct will probably be with size of 4B, because of the alignment (but these are details and it's completely platform specific) removed, thanks to @JimBuck's comment 无论如何, 由于@JimBuck的评论 ,由于对齐(但是这些是细节,并且完全是特定于平台的),该结构可能具有4B的大小。

Yes that is correct. 对,那是正确的。 The second solution will essentially break down the struct to a single int with 8bits for each member. 第二种解决方案将本质上将结构分解为单个整数,每个成员具有8位。

#include "stdio.h"

struct rgb{
    unsigned int r:8;
    unsigned int g:8;
    unsigned int b:8;

int main(void) {
        printf("Size of RGB: %d", sizeof(struct rgb));
        return 0;

This will output: "Size of RGB: 4". 这将输出:“ RGB大小:4”。 But as others have suggested it will be best to use a datatype that comes with 8bits, ergo: unsigned char . 但正如其他人所建议的那样,最好使用8bits附带的数据类型ergo: unsigned char

Integers are 32 bit -> 4 bytes. 整数是32位-> 4个字节。 I would use unsigned char instead, which is only 1 byte containing values 0-255. 我会改用unsigned char,它只有1个字节,包含值0-255。

Using typedef to define a new name for the type makes it more convenient to use. 使用typedef为类型定义新名称可以使其更方便使用。

typedef unsigned char t_byte;

struct rgb {
    t_byte r;
    t_byte g;
    t_byte b;

Unsigned int is still the same size, you want unsigned char Unsigned int仍然是相同大小,您想要unsigned char

struct rgb{
    unsigned char r;
    unsigned char g;
    unsigned char b;

However, you should remember that the standard does not enforce they are not larger -- they may be bigger anyway. 但是,您应该记住,该标准并没有强制要求它们不更大-它们无论如何都可能更大。 You might need to use a packed pragma to get exactly the alignment you want. 您可能需要使用打包的编译指示来获得所需的精确对齐。

You could also use unsigned char rgb[3] 您也可以使用unsigned char rgb[3]

In the first sample you are allocating 4 bytes per color component. 在第一个样本中,每个颜色分量分配4个字节。 For 8 bit color you should allocate just a single byte by using unsigned char. 对于8位颜色,应使用无符号char分配仅一个字节。 No need for bitfields here. 这里不需要位域。

Note that you have defined a 24 bit pixel here. 请注意,您在此处定义了24位像素。 You may need to add padding if you are using 32 bit pixels. 如果使用32位像素,则可能需要添加填充。

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