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[英]How do I define a module with a parameter in Verilog?

I want to define an add module which has a parameter, but my declaration of the new instance doesn't go well. 我想定义一个带有参数的add模块,但是我对新实例的声明并不顺利。

I want to define an instance of this module: 我想定义这个模块的一个实例:

module add #(parameter wd=1) (input wire [wd-1:0] a,b, output wire [wd-1:0] o);

   assign o = a + b;


I tried this line, but I get an error: 我试过这一行,但是我收到一个错误:

 add len_plus_1 #(8)(.a(len),.b(8'h1),.o(lenPlus1));

The instance name must come after the parameter specifier: 实例名称必须位于参数说明符之后:

add #(8) len_plus_1 (.a(len),.b(8'h1),.o(lenPlus1));

This syntax is specified in the IEEE Standard (1800-2009, for example). 该语法在IEEE标准(例如1800-2009)中规定。

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