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[英]How to move an image from one point to another point in an canvas

I am writing a program in that i want to move an image from one position to another position when the pointer is on the image.the destination of an image will be anywhere in the window. 我正在编写一个程序,希望当指针在图像上时将图像从一个位置移动到另一位置。图像的目的地将在窗口中的任何位置。
And,while moving to the destination the image size has to gradually decrease to some particular size. 并且,在移动到目的地时,图像尺寸必须逐渐减小到某些特定尺寸。
I am using WPF C# for this 我为此使用WPF C#
Thanks in advance 提前致谢

See the Channel 9 Kinect QuickStart Series(Skeletal Tracking Fundementals) For moving the images, and I will add code. 请参阅Channel 9 Kinect快速入门系列(骨骼跟踪基础知识)以移动图像,然后添加代码。 For the changing image size I would use something like Flying Text in Shape Game. 对于不断变化的图像大小,我将使用诸如Shape Game中的Flying Text之类的东西。 Hope this Helps! 希望这可以帮助!

Moving the Image(XAML) 移动图像(XAML)

<Window x:Class="SkeletalTracking.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="600" Width="800" Loaded="Window_Loaded" 
    Closing="Window_Closing" WindowState="Maximized">       
<Canvas Name="MainCanvas">
    <my:KinectColorViewer Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Width="640" Height="480" Name="kinectColorViewer1" 
                          Kinect="{Binding ElementName=kinectSensorChooser1, Path=Kinect}" />
    <my:KinectSensorChooser Canvas.Left="250" Canvas.Top="380" Name="kinectSensorChooser1" Width="328" />
    <Image Canvas.Left="66" Canvas.Top="90" Height="87" Name="headImage" Stretch="Fill" Width="84" Source="/SkeletalTracking;component/c4f-color.png" />

Inner Code 内码

void sensor_AllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
        if (closing)

        //Get a skeleton
        Skeleton first =  GetFirstSkeleton(e);

        if (first == null)

        //set scaled position
        //ScalePosition(headImage, first.Joints[JointType.Head]);

        GetCameraPoint(first, e); 


    void GetCameraPoint(Skeleton first, AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)

        using (DepthImageFrame depth = e.OpenDepthImageFrame())
            if (depth == null ||
                kinectSensorChooser1.Kinect == null)

            //Map a joint location to a point on the depth map
            DepthImagePoint headDepthPoint =

            //Map a depth point to a point on the color image
            ColorImagePoint headColorPoint =
                depth.MapToColorImagePoint(headDepthPoint.X, headDepthPoint.Y,

    Skeleton GetFirstSkeleton(AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
        using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrameData = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
            if (skeletonFrameData == null)
                return null; 


            //get the first tracked skeleton
            Skeleton first = (from s in allSkeletons
                                     where s.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
                                     select s).FirstOrDefault();

            return first;


  private void ScalePosition(FrameworkElement element, Joint joint)
        //convert the value to X/Y
        //Joint scaledJoint = joint.ScaleTo(1280, 720); 

        //convert & scale (.3 = means 1/3 of joint distance)
        Joint scaledJoint = joint.ScaleTo(1280, 720, .3f, .3f);

        Canvas.SetLeft(element, scaledJoint.Position.X);
        Canvas.SetTop(element, scaledJoint.Position.Y); 


Flying Text(class) 飞行文字(类)

public class FlyingText
    private static readonly List<FlyingText> FlyingTexts = new List<FlyingText>();
    private readonly double fontGrow;
    private readonly string text;
    private System.Windows.Point center;
    private System.Windows.Media.Brush brush;
    private double fontSize;
    private double alpha;
    private Label label;

    public FlyingText(string s, double size, System.Windows.Point center)
        this.text = s;
        this.fontSize = Math.Max(1, size);
        this.fontGrow = Math.Sqrt(size) * 0.4;
        this.center = center;
        this.alpha = 1.0;
        this.label = null;
        this.brush = null;

    public static void NewFlyingText(double size, System.Windows.Point center, string s)
        FlyingTexts.Add(new FlyingText(s, size, center));

    public static void Draw(UIElementCollection children)
        for (int i = 0; i < FlyingTexts.Count; i++)
            FlyingText flyout = FlyingTexts[i];
            if (flyout.alpha <= 0)

        foreach (var flyout in FlyingTexts)

    private void Advance()
        this.alpha -= 0.01;
        if (this.alpha < 0)
            this.alpha = 0;

        if (this.brush == null)
            this.brush = new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255));

        if (this.label == null)

        this.brush.Opacity = Math.Pow(this.alpha, 1.5);
        this.label.Foreground = this.brush;
        this.fontSize += this.fontGrow;
        this.label.FontSize = Math.Max(1, this.fontSize);
        Rect renderRect = new Rect(this.label.RenderSize);
        this.label.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, this.center.X - (renderRect.Width / 2));
        this.label.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, this.center.Y - (renderRect.Height / 2));

The Code In Your Project 项目中的代码

            FlyingText.FlyingText.NewFlyingText(this.skeleton.Width / 30, new Point(this.skeleton.Width / 2,
            this.skeleton.Height / 2), e.Matched);

Now obviously you want your image to be smaller, and not text, but I figure you can work that out on your own, also your would change the images in XAML to whatever you wanted and the Joints to whatever joints you wanted too. 现在显然您希望图像变小,而不是文本,但是我认为您可以自己解决这个问题,也可以将XAML中的图像更改为所需的图像,并将Joints更改为所需的Joints

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