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Validation of radio buttons with Javascript

I've combed a ton of the pages on here, and still am incapable to get my explicit validator to work. Basically, when the submit button is clicked, I want the script to verify a radio is checked, if one is checked to do nothing. If one isn't checked I want it to post an alert message.

roughly my html looks like:

<form id="myForm" onsubmit = "check()">
<input type = "radio" name = "c" id = "1" value = "1" />
<input type = "radio" name = "c" id = "2" value = "2" />
<input type = "radio" name = "c" id = "3" value = "3" />

<input type = "submit" value = "Submit" />

my JS page looks like:

function check() {
    var r = document.getElementsByName("c")
    var c = 0

    for(var i=0; i < r.length; i++){
       if(c[i].checked) {
          c = i; }

    alert("please select radio");

try this one

function check() {
var r = document.getElementsByName("c")
var c = -1

for(var i=0; i < r.length; i++){
   if(r[i].checked) {
      c = i; 
if (c == -1) alert("please select radio");



should be


and you're not actually doing anything with the result, you're just always alerting.

<script language="javascript">
function check()    {

chosen = ""
len = document.myform.chk.length

for (i = 0; i <len; i++) {
if (document.myform.chk[i].checked) {
chosen = document.myform.chk[i].value

if (chosen == "") {
alert("No Option selected");
return false;
else {
alert("option selected");
return true;
<form name="myform" onsubmit = "return check();">
<input type = "radio" name = "chk" id = "1" value = "1" >
<input type = "radio" name = "chk" id = "2" value = "2" >
<input type = "radio" name = "chk" id = "3" value = "3" >

<input type="submit" value="submit">


Check for this validation hope its may also help you . Also check it in jsfiddle

             function ShowMsg() {    

             if (fnSpeciality() == false) 
               return false;

                function fnSpeciality() 
             return fnRblfnSpeciality();
              function fnSpeciality() {
                   return fnRblfnSpeciality();

    function fnRblfnSpeciality() {

        var list = document.getElementById('myform'); //Client ID of the radiolist
        var inputs = list.getElementsByTagName("input");
        var isItemChecked = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
            var listItem = inputs[i];

            if (listItem.checked) {
                isItemChecked = true;
     if (isItemChecked == false) {
            if (isItemChecked =="") {
                alert('Please select a speciality.');
                return false;
            // else return true;
        return true;

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Am using radio button list ..pls share if have java script validation for this radio button

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