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How to pass pojo object as parameter to rest web service from prototypejs client

How to pass pojo object as parameter to rest web service from prototypejs client.

Assume i have web service like this.

@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Item postItem(Item item) 
  return new item;

From client side using prototypejs library how to pass pojo object as parameter to rest web service.

If parameter is of type string or integer i would have passed it as query param but it is pojo object in case.

I am about the syntax creation of the pojo object and then passing it to rest web service from prototypejs.

Which jax-rs implementation do you use? for Jersey, you can post json to the server by specify the jersey servlet:

        <param-value>your package</param-value>


then in your client code, you can directly post a json to the server, which will be deserialized to an Item instance

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