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App.Config Connection String

In my windows form i have connection string in app.config as

        <add name="Database"
            connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Database.accdb"
            providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />
        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />

And in all classes i am using the following code to connect to the database.

string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Database"].ConnectionString;

But its not connected to the database.

Can somebody point out the mistake.

But when i use this code without use of app.config it works fine.

   string connString  = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = C:\\Users\\Amrit\\Desktop\\Database.accdb; Persist Security Info = False;";

How can i make the app.config connection string work..

It seams (from the comments) that you are targeting two difference database files in those two connection strings. The first one is in your App_Data folder of your project, and the second one resides on your desktop.

The file in your App_Data folder is copied in to the output folder ( bin/Debug or bin/Release for a WinForms project) every time you start the project in the VS. It overwrites previous contents of the file so every time you have a fresh copy of the file form the App_Data folder in your output folder. To find out, run the program and execute a few insertions. Then close the program and open the database file in the output folder (not in projects App_Data ).

This happens because you have set the Copy to Output Directory property of the database file to Copy always .

You may do it so

   <add key="ApplicationTitle" value="Sample Console Application" />
   <add key="ConnectionString"
              Security=false;User Id=sa;Password=;" />

then use ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];

you need to set DataDirectory.

You can then set the path in Application_Start in your Global.ascx.cs

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", "C:\Users\Amrit\Desktop");



Hope this helps.

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