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java executor service on hazelcast queue

I have a hazelcast Queue (shared across the server instances) which has 1000's of records in it. Records are some kind of Jobs (like sending email, SMS etc). I need to process these records by picking them from the queue. To make it fast I am thinking of using executor service so that records get processed by multiple threads asynchronously.

This application will be deployed on multiple servers so i am bit confused with the processing order of records in the queue multiple servers. How should I configure my executor so that it pick up the records from queue and process them. Do i need to set up my executor to get invoked after every second so it keep hitting fetching the records from processing.

I am not sure if I am ble to explain the problem properly but just trying to use the executor service on the shared Queue (across server instances) .

Thanks in Advance!!

You may want to consider using the hazelcast executor service. I've tried using a hazelcast queue for a local thread pool, and my experience has been that it does not distribute tasks properly.


It automatically distributes the job execution across the cluster.

Assuming job implements Callable, you can do the following

Future<T> future =  hazelcastInstance.getExecutorService([optional name]).submit(job);
//if you want the return value of the job, you can do this:
T value = future.get(); //This blocks until the job is done

You can configure multiple distributed thread pools using different names.

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