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One-liner searched in Ruby on Rails for altering attribute in database

In Ruby on Rails, for an ActiveRecord class MySettings , is there a more elegant option to say

s = MySettings.last
s.do_updates = true

in one line?


  MySettings.last.update_attributes :do_updates => true


MySettings.last.update_attributes(:do_updates => true)

Although I typically would recommend update_attributes as the others have suggested, this is the perfect situation to use update_column which is replacing update_attribute . update_attribute is being removed in rails 4.x and will issue deprecation warnings in later 3.2.x releases.

MySettings.last.update_column(:do_updates, true)

Unlike update_attributes , update_column does not execute validations or callbacks. If you need the ActiveRecord callbacks, definitely use update_attrbutes .

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