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PHP Self Submitting Form Works in FF and Chrome but not IE (404 error)

I'm a little stumped. I've been pulling my hair out tring to figure this out. The PHP self submitting form works fine in Fire Fox and Chrome but when I try it in IE, I receive a 404 error.

Here are my form tags:

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"
    name="New Policy/Procedure Form" id="form_name">


<input type="submit" value="submit" id="submit" name="submit" />

Any help is much appreciated!

You should put PHP_SELF inside quotes: $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ; if your error reporting settings allow PHP to generate the notice that it normally does for this, that would ruin your day.

Additionally (but far less likely) it's conceivable that $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] contains some "red flag" character for HTML markup. You should always use htmlspecialchars whenever you embed a non-fixed value inside HTML, including in this case:

action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]); ?>"

htmlspecialchars has other parameters as well, the default values of which are OK most of the time (but not always). You should check them out and specify them explicitly.

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