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ServiceStack get ORMLite to use T4

I am evaluating T4 for ORMLite. Regardless of a couple glitches I made it working. When I point the web.config to Northwind in MSSQL and run that from my SS web project the OrmLite.SP.cs automatically generates the following:

public class OrmLiteSPStatement
            reader = command.ExecuteReader();
#pragma warning disable 618
            return reader.GetFirstColumn<T>();
#pragma warning restore 618
        finally ...

            reader = command.ExecuteReader();
#pragma warning disable 618
            return reader.GetScalar<T>();
#pragma warning restore 618
        finally ...

            reader = command.ExecuteReader();
#pragma warning disable 618
            return reader.GetFirstColumn<T>();
#pragma warning restore 618
        finally ...

            reader = command.ExecuteReader();
#pragma warning disable 618
            return reader.GetFirstColumnDistinct<T>();
#pragma warning restore 618
        finally ...

They are all from the OrmLite.SP.cs auto-gen code in the OrmLiteSPStatement class...

   Error    1   No overload for method 'GetFirstColumn' takes 0 arguments 
   Error    2   No overload for method 'GetScalar' takes 0 arguments 
   Error    3   No overload for method 'GetFirstColumn' takes 0 arguments 
   Error    4   No overload for method 'GetFirstColumnDistinct' takes 0 arguments

When I move my mouse over to inspect the error, visual studio says:

Cannot access internal method 'GetFirstColumn' here

How do I fix it?

I am running VS2012, .Net 4.0, ServiceStack, SQL2008R2

These T4 templates are still using the deprecated methods that were made internal last week.

Raise an issue with the OrmLite project (or pull-request) so we can keep track of the issue.

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