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terminate a linux command line utility from python

I've got a command line utility from canutils called candump . It works like this:

I run candump (specifying the bus from which I want to dump)

root@beaglebone: candump can0

It then runs until I end it using CTRL+C

However, when I run it in a python script like so.




I'm not sure how to end it. Any ideas?

Don't use use the call command if you want control over the subprocess

If you use Popen like you did above you should assign it to a variable like this:

p = Popen(["candump","can0"],stdout=PIPE)

Once you have p then you can use one of the following SIGNAL commands on it http://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen.send_signal

使用Popen() ,并在返回的Popen对象上调用send_signal(signal.SIGINT)

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