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Block function call from WndProc handler function in C#

I have code in C# where Window is getting messages (images from GigE camera). In function handler I call another function to do some processing on the image I get from message. This processing can take more time than time between next message I get. I would like to use some nice mechanism to ignore messages until processing will be done. I could simply write:

bool is_processing = false;

void HandleUeyeMessage(int wParam, int lParam) 
   frame = getNewFrame();

   if(!is_processing) {
   } else non-blocking ignore 

void doProcessing(frame f)
    is_processing = true;
    // some processing work...
    is_processing = false;

but I want to use some synchronization mechanism, but I don't really know what to use because this is not generally threading thing...

you cannot ignore messages in a single thread- they will be queued and processed when your app is able to respond. You can use worker thread with some basic synchronization.

BackgroundWorker _worker=new BackgroundWorker();

void OnMessage(int lparam, int wparam)
    frame frame=GetFrame();

void DoWork(object sender,DoWorkEventArgs e)
    //do processing

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