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Prevent invalid user input in SuggestBox?

I have SuggestBox taking user input and displaying suggestions in a popup using GWT.

SuggestBox suggestBox = new SuggestBox(myData, new TextArea());

How can I prevent the user to put characters in the TextArea for which no suggestions exist?

I think the SuggestBox examines the text that has been put into the TextArea , and then displays the suggestions. But how could I prevent characters that do no match anymore?

If you really need that

   TextArea area = new TextArea();
             area.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() {

                public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) {
                    if(event.getNativeKeyCode()==13 ||....){//Add remaining key codes which you dont want.For example i added enter key which keycode is 13.Remove that and add your key codes there. 

And then

SuggestBox suggestBox = new SuggestBox(myData,area);

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