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Regex to not match anything in brackets, only letters, numbers and spaces, and nothing after a dot

For example, I have a filename [foo] FooBar[!].bar

How can I use regex to match FooBar but not [foo] , [!] or .bar

BTW, I'm using Python Regex, if that has any bearing.

Basically, I want to match anything that is not after a dot, or is not in brackets.

fileName = '[abc][def]Real Name[!].exe'
name = re.search('(\[[^]]*\])*([\w\s]+)', fileName).group(2)
print name

This should print 'Real Name'



You could replace it all:

>>> re.sub(r'\[.*?\]|\..*', '', '[foo] FooBar[!].bar')
    ' FooBar'

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