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How to have virtual functions that returns different types based on the class to which it belongs without including dummy implementation in Base?

I need a class hierarchy in which the derived classes will have implementation of a virtual function that differs in the return type. How can i do it. What i have tried is the following code:

using namespace std;
class Base
        cout<<"Constructor of Base"<<endl;
    virtual Base& Decode()=0;
    virtual operator int(){return -1;}
    virtual operator string(){return "WRONG";}
class Der1:public Base
    int i;
    Der1(int j=0):Base(),i(j)
        cout<<"COnstructor of Der1"<<endl;
    Base& Decode()
        cout<<"Decode in Der1"<<endl;
        return *this;
    operator int()
        return i;
class Der2:public Base
    string s;
    Der2(string temp="sajas"):Base(),s(temp)
        cout<<"Constructor of Der2"<<endl;
    Base& Decode()
        cout<<"Decode in Der2"<<endl;
        return *this;
    operator string()
        return s;
int main()
    Base *p=new Der1();
    int val=p->Decode();

I was thinking if it could work this way user would just have to equate the object to a valid variable. Is there any way to do it without including all the conversion operators in Base with some dummy implementatin?

I guess there is one problem, if it is a Pure virtual function you cannot create an object of the class base. But on the other hand to solve your problem you can try out using templates, something like below.

#include <iostream>

class Base{
    virtual ~Base(){}
    virtual void show() const {
        std::cout << "Base::show()!" << std::endl;
class A:public Base{
    virtual ~A(){}
    virtual void show() const{
        std::cout << "A::show()!" << std::endl;

template<typename T>
class Factory{
    const T* operator()() const{
        return &t;
    T t;

int main(){
    const A* pA = Factory<A>()();
    return 0;

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