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How to trim spaces in xml tags using regular expression in notepad++?

I am trying to trim a space in an XML tag, this is an example of what I have:

<xmlT ag>
content between tag
</xmlTa g>


content between tag

This is the expression that I wrote for that:

Find: [<](\\w)* (\\w)*[>]|[<][/](\\w)* (\\w)*[>]
Replace: \\1\\2

but is not working as expected.
Is there any other workaround for this?

If the tags only have one space in them and no attributes, this will work

find: <(/?)(\\w*) (\\w*)>

replace: <\\1\\2\\3>

Using a LookAhead we can repair any number of spaces in a tag:

Search for: \\s+(?=[\\s\\w]*>)
Replace with nothing

Explained demo here: http://www.regex101.com/r/dY6zC2

Note: LookAhead is available in NotePad++ since version 6.0

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