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Primefaces calendar validation

I am trying to validate a calendar as an input text with popup button the input text has been validating correctly. However the selection of a date from the popup button cannot be validated My xhtml code is:

<p:calendar value="#{indexBean.searchCriteria.date}" 
            id="date" showOn="button"
            mindate="#{indexBean.searchCriteria.mindate}" maxdate="#{indexBean.searchCriteria.maxdate}"
            label="Date" converterMessage="The Date must be of the form DD/MM/YYYY and be a valid date"
            pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" validator="#{indexBean.validateDate}" widgetVar="dateCalendar"
    <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" />
    <p:ajax update=":messages" event="change" />

what should i do to apply the validation on the popup button as well???

Using ajax, you should be able to key into the dateSelect event of the calendar, and perform a standard, ajax driven validation. According to the docs, the popup mode can also trigger ajax events on blur and keyup . The change you've specified is only good for the input text bit of the calendar

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