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Validation with PrimeFaces

I have a form with one field called emai has a very simple validation required = true . now when I click on the button bellow it performs AJAX callback. I wonder anyway to make the validation done on the client side without calling the server?

<h:form class="lfrm" id="lfrm">
    <p:panel id="lpanel" header="Login">
        <p:messages id="lmessages" showDetail="true" autoUpdate="true"/>

        <h:panelGrid id="lgrid" columns="2" cellpadding="5">
            <h:outputText value="Email: *" />

            <p:inputText styleClass="email"
                         required="true" requiredMessage="Email is required">

            <p:commandButton process="lemail"
                             value="Sign in"

Add the following configuration in web.xml


Also if you set ajax to false, the current form where the component lives is sent. ie the form which contains the p:commandButton. If ajax used, choose what you want to process. use the following tag to process the fields to the command button

<p:commandButton process="@form" ...... />

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