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Hibernate. Optimizing sqlRestriction

How can I optimize the following without sqlRestriction:

public List<SomeEntity> getEntityByYearMonthAndDay(Calendar cal) {
        Criteria criteria = helper.createCriteria();
        criteria.add(sqlRestriction("(DATE(date_column) = ?)", cal.getTime(), org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes.DATE));
        return criteria.list();

SomeEntity looks like:

    public class SomeEntity extends Identifiable {

        @Column(name = "date_column")
        private Calendar dateColumn;

//Getters and setters 

In the DB I have such representation: date_column => datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss).

It's obvious that logic compares only date truncating time values.

Yeah, guys :) So if you want not to use built-in MySQL DATE(...) function and use only JPA:

public List<SomeEntity> getEntityByYearMonthAndDay(Calendar cal) {
    Criteria criteria = helper.createCriteria();
    Calendar leftBorder = Calendar.getInstance();
    Calendar rightBorder = Calendar.getInstance();
    rightBorder.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
    Conjunction dateConjunction = Restrictions.conjunction();
    dateConjunction.add(Restrictions.eq("dateColumn", leftBorder));
    dateConjunction.add(Restrictions.lt("dateColumn", rightBorder));
    return criteria.list();

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