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Django Heroku push failing

I'm running accross an error trying to push my Django project up to Heroku and I was looking to see if anyone had any insight.

 !     Heroku push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected

I am guessing it is because of my folder structure in the git repo but I am not sure. My project is setup like this:



My Proc file content looks like this:

web: python manage.py runserver$PORT --noreload --settings=djangoproject.settings.heroku

I have my project setting split and they work fine on my local. (In other words I having a setting directory with an init .py in it.)

I tried this:


and this:


but neither worked.

Can this folder structure be the culprit? I was under the impression that the requirements.txt was how Heroku found where the project folder was.


I wanted to add my solve for the first issue I had and then post the new issue I am having.

The solve I first did was to move the Procfile and requirements.txt files to the root level of the project. The second thing I did was edit the Procfile in so the path to the manage.py script was to the proper location

web: python subfolder/djangoproject/manage.py runserver$PORT --noreload --settings=djangoproject.settings.heroku

I've hit a new error now when trying to run a syncdb. It seems to go through the process but nothing takes. In other words, if I run syncdb once and then run it a second time, it wants to set everything up all over again. Any thoughts on what I may have configures wrong to make the DB not save it's data? Should I use the setting for the DB from the dashboard or keep this line in the Django config:

import dj_database_url
DATABASES['default'] =  dj_database_url.config()


You need requirements.txt or setup.py in the root of the repo.

See https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-python/blob/master/bin/detect

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