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Writing YUV to file results in duplicated frames

I am writing YUV (YV12) frames to YUV file. I am saving exactly 101 frames.But when I am playing the output YUV file I have 2x more frames whereas each second frame is always empty.

Here is my code:

            size_t lenght=_viewWidth * _viewHeight * 3;
    BYTE *bytes=(BYTE*)malloc(lenght);
    ///////////////  read pixels from tex  /////////////////////

        BYTE *uvOut= new uint8_t[_viewWidth * _viewHeight *3];

            if(cfg.seqStart <= cfg.seqEnd)
    hOutFile = fopen( outFileName.c_str(), cfg.appendMode ? "ab" : "wb" );


     fwrite(uvOut,_viewWidth* 3, _viewHeight, hOutFile); // Write V line




    delete uvOut;

I run this block 101 times.I double checked it.Where does another frame come from ?

Don't know anything about opengl but the size of a frame in YV12-format is

width * height * 1.5

ie the croma-part is sub-sampled by a factor 2 horizontally and vertically. Above I see 3 a lot, change that value to 1.5 instead.

If you're interested in a YUV-format conversion tool checkout this which I wrote in python. And a viewer based on SDL here . Lot's of inspiration there :-)

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