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How java implement the access to the enclosing class from an inner inner class?

I have created an inner class in an inner class :

public class EnclosingClass {

    public class InnerClass {
        private EnclosingClass getEnclosing() {
            return EnclosingClass.this;

        public class InnerInnerClass {
            private InnerClass getEnclosing() {
                return InnerClass.this;

            private EnclosingClass getEnclosingOfEnclosing() {
                return EnclosingClass.this;

I have been surprised that java allows the InnerInnerClass to access directly the EnclosingClass . How is this code implemented internally by Java?

The InnerInnerClass keeps two pointers (one on the InnerClass and the other on the EnclosingClass ) or the InnerInnerClass access the EnclosingClass through the InnerClass ?

You just need to disassemble the resulting class with javap to see what's going on:

private EnclosingClass getEnclosingOfEnclosing();
     0: aload_0
     1: getfield      #1                  // Field this$1:LEnclosingClass$InnerClass;
     4: getfield      #3                  // Field EnclosingClass$InnerClass.this$0:LEnclosingClass;
     7: areturn

So first it gets the instance of the directly enclosing class, then it gets the "top-level" enclosing class from that.



public and private is a pointer issue, it's a compiler issue.

The question is one of the compiler enforcing the scope of a class/variable/method. Because the private method getEnclosing() falls with the the scope of InnerClass , it can be accessed throughout that class.

Note that pointers have nothing to do with the issue.
Using reflection you can still access private members of a class.

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