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cakephp sending encrypted data to library from Controller

While working with the cakephp, I found an issue mentioned below.

  1. Fetched the encrypted field info from DB (encrypted using Security::rijndael)
  2. Passed this whole data as an array format to the custom Library(Own created lib).

When i echoed the data in lib as well in controller I amazed to see the result. The value (encrypted one) are showing blank in the lib. Is I missed anything in codding? I searched on google but didn't get the satisfactory answer, Please help me out. Your help will really be appreciated.

Here is result i am getting in controller and Library respectively

    [0] => Array
            [value] => s�i�(�RTf���cBЉF� | �r�n@ô�

    [0] => Array
            [value] =>

Check your character encoding; a place I worked at ran into a similar issue and it was due to our db trying to encode characters it did not support. UTF-8 generic is a, well, generic encoding type.

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