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Java generics warnings on java.util.Collections

I have a method:

public List<Stuff> sortStuff(List<Stuff> toSort) {

    return toSort;

This produces a warning:

Type safety: Unchecked invocation sort(List<Stuff>) of the generic method sort(List<T>) of type Collections.

Eclipse says the only way to fix the warning is to add @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") to my sortStuff method. That seems like a crummy way to do with something that is built into Java itself.

Is this really my only option here? Why or why not? Thanks in advance!

Collections.sort(List<T>) expects that T must implement Comparable<? super T> Comparable<? super T> . It seems like Stuff does implement Comparable but doesn't provide the generic type argument.

Make sure to declare this:

public class Stuff implements Comparable<Stuff>

Instead of this:

public class Stuff implements Comparable

Do tou use this:

// Bad Code
public class Stuff implements Comparable{

    public int compareTo(Object o) {
        // TODO
        return ...


or this?

// GoodCode
public class Stuff implements Comparable<Stuff>{

    public int compareTo(Stuff o) {
        // TODO
        return ...



Sorting Generic Collections

There are two sorting functions defined in this class, shown below:

public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list);

public static <T> void sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c);

Neither one of these is exactly easy on the eyes and both include the wildcard (?) operator in their definitions. The first version accepts a List only if T extends Comparable directly or a generic instantiation of Comparable which takes T or a superclass as a generic parameter. The second version takes a List and a Comparator instantiated with T or a supertype.

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