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selecting with multiple where conditions and multiple order clauses from two tables

first table: posts

ID   post    unix_timestamp  upvotes 
118  mmmm    1360662045       4 
119  kdkdk   1360662074       2
120  dkcjf   1360662012       3
121  dkcmv   1360662025       1

and some other fields

second table: post_tags

ID   post_id   tagname  
1    118        #test
2    118        #iseeyou
3    119        #sleepy

MYSQL query that i ran.

SELECT p.id, p.post, p.timestampfull FROM posts p,
post_tags pt WHERE pt.tagname IN ('#test','#iseeyou')
AND p.post LIKE  '%united states%'
AND p.id = pt.post_id
HAVING COUNT( pt.tagname ) = 2
ORDER BY p.upvotes DESC , p.unix_timestamp DESC 

In my search application, i am trying to fetch the most recent rows that's why p.unix_timestamp also ordered by upvotes in descending order based on search query which can contain hash tags or plain text or both.

So, if user searches for #test #iseeyou united states , it should return posts which contain both tags and also the text united states ordered by time stamp and upvotes.

Also, i want the posts with higher upvotes take precedence over being the most recent.

Please advise if my query is correct?

FROM    posts p
        INNER JOIN
            SELECT  a.ID
            FROM    posts a
                    INNER JOIN post_tags b
                        ON a.ID = b.post_ID
            WHERE   a.post LIKE '%mmmm%' AND
                    b.tagname IN ('#test','#iseeyou')
            GROUP   BY ID
            HAVING  COUNT(DISTINCT b.tagname) = 2
        ) sub ON p.ID = sub.ID
ORDER   BY p.upvotes DESC, p.unix_timestamp DESC

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