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Adding To an External Database in Android

I am new to Android programming and I am trying to take user input and add it to my external database. Right now my php code is:

mysql_connect("host","login","pass") or die ("Unable to connect to MySQL");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO Table (number, format, name, price) VALUES ('".$_REQUEST['number1']."', ".$_REQUEST['format1'].", ".$_REQUEST['name1'].", ".$_REQUEST['price1'].")");



I don't see anything wrong with my php, but when I run my program I am not getting any errors, but when I look at my database nothing seems to be actually getting added. My Java code is:

Log.d("debug", "ENTER METHOD ADD");
    new Thread(new Runnable(){
        public void run(){

        ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

        EditText eNumber = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.barcodeEdit);
        EditText eFormat = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.codeFormatEdit);
        EditText eName = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.titleEdit);
        EditText ePrice = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.priceEdit);

        Log.d("debugNumber", eNumber.getText().toString());
        Log.d("debugFormat", eFormat.getText().toString());
        Log.d("debugName", eName.getText().toString());
        Log.d("debugPrice", ePrice.getText().toString());

        nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("number1", eNumber.getText().toString()));
        nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("format1", eFormat.getText().toString())); //you can add as many you need
        nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("name1", eName.getText().toString()));
        nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("price1", ePrice.getText().toString()));

        try {
                HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
                HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("http://MY_SITE.com/my.php");
                httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
                HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                //is = entity.getContent();
                Log.d("debug", "ENDED TRY");
            }catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO: handle exception
                Log.e("log_tag", e.toString());
                //return false;
                //Toast.makeText(this, e.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

That is the bit of code that does my adding. I know I can connect to the database fine, since the code I use to search the database works correctly, but for some reason my add is messed up. I have the code running in a new thread since I learned the other day that you cannot do these http requests in the main thread of the program. I have been looking all over for an answer and have yet to find one, maybe I am just missing a line, any help is greatly appreciated.

I would suggest you to develop a simple html form first to make sure you don't get any problems at your php side like this.

<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>
   <head >
      <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
      <title >Form Page: sampleform</title>
<h1>Sample form page</h1>

<form id='sampleform' method='post' action='http://MY_SITE.com/my.php' >
   number1: <input type='text' name='number1' />
   format1: <input type='text' name='format1' />


   name1: <input type='text' name='name1' />

   price1: <input type='text' name='price1' />

   <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit' />



Run this quick test and let me know. So that I might help you further.


Yes. The problem might be in your insert statement. Try with the following code.

    $mysqli = new mysqli("Your host", "Db username", "Db password", "Db name");

    if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
        echo "Couldn't connect to database";

    $number = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['number1']);
    $format= $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['format1']);
    $name= $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['name1']);
    $price= $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['price1']);

    $query = "INSERT INTO Table (number, format, name, price) VALUES('$number','$format','$name', '$price');";

    $result = $mysqli->query($query);

        echo "Successfully inserted";


Apparently it is showing no error in code. To debug more line by line you should modify your PHP code and try -

mysql_connect("host","login","pass") or die ("Unable to connect to MySQL");

echo $_REQUEST['number1'];
echo $_REQUEST['format1'];
echo $_REQUEST['name1'];
echo $_REQUEST['price1'];

$sql = "INSERT INTO Table (number, format, name, price) VALUES ('".$_REQUEST['number1']."', '".$_REQUEST['format1']."', '".$_REQUEST['name1']."', '".$_REQUEST['price1']."')";

echo $sql;

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());


Also you can try with $_POST syntax instead of $_REQUEST.

You should understand the error by this.

Please share with us the result, so that we can help you further.


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