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Display currency symbol ($) in an asp.net textbox using JavaScript

I am using asp.net textbox

I want to display the value entered by user in a proper currency format eg if user entered 10000 and I want it to be formatted like this: 10,000 $

How this could be achived via javascript without using ajaxtool kit?

You could achieve this with javascript. The following code will change the value as the user types:


   function fnCurrencyOnly(o) {
        var sValue = o.value;
        var sKey = String.fromCharCode(window.event.keyCode);
        if (document.selection.createRange().text == sValue) {
            sValue = sKey;
        } else {
            sValue = sValue + sKey;
        var re = new RegExp("^\\d+(?:\\.\\d{0,2})?$");
        if (!sValue.match(re))
            window.event.returnValue = false;


   <asp:textbox runat="Server" ID="text" onchange="fnCurrencyOnly(this);" />

Try something like this

    function formatText(txt)
 txt.value = '$' + txt.value;


<asp:textbox onchange="javascript:formatText(this);"/>

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